A doctor of Pakistani origin managed to save a woman's life during the flight with the help of Apple Watch. According to the British broadcaster BBC, a British doctor of Pakistani origin saved the life of an elderly woman in a flight with the help of Apple Watch.
It has been reported that during the flight, the condition of a 70-year-old woman suddenly deteriorated and she had difficulty breathing. In view of this situation, the flight attendant made an announcement in the flight after seeing the condition of the woman, in which she asked Is there a doctor on board at this time?
it is known that upon hearing this announcement, Dr. Rashid Riaz of Pakistani origin went ahead to help the elderly woman and Dr. Rashid saw the Apple Watch in the hand of the flight attendant and asked for the watch and to assess the patient's oxygen status. Use local health monitoring software.
It is being told that after this examination, Dr. Rashid
Riaz found out that the woman was suffering from a heart condition because with
the help of the Apple Watch, it was easy for him to know about the decreasing
oxygen of the elderly woman, which resulted in the woman. During the flight,
oxygen was provided in the plane, which saved his life.
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